About one out of every 33 people tested will learn they have an actionable genetic risk factor1
Many people aren't aware that they carry a risk for an inherited condition, because they don't experience symptoms and may not have any family history of it. GenePrism tests for 59 genes that can significantly impact your health — empowering you to take steps towards more informed health choices.
This includes a Helix DNA kit.
Already tested
Have you registered your Helix DNA kit? Once your DNA has been sequenced by Helix, your don't need another DNA kit to use this product, which means you get a lower price.

What makes the genes included in GenePrism unique?
The 59 genes were selected by leading genetics experts because they have an important impact on certain conditions, and knowing if you are at risk means you can take action. In other words, if you learn of a genetic risk from this test, your risk is significantly increased over the general population—and there are actions you and your doctor can take to reduce your risks based on established medical recommendations.

A genetic variant can increase your risk for certain cancers4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13
The development of cancer is complex and involves many factors. But in certain types of disorders like adenomatous polyposis syndrome, your DNA can increase your risk of developing colon cancer by up to 99%.
Why do I need the Helix DNA kit?
Products on Helix use the DNA information found in your saliva to give you insights into what makes you, you. The Helix DNA kit has everything you need to provide a saliva sample and send it to our lab to we can sequence your DNA.
Once you are sequenced, you can gain insights from any from any product on Helix for years to com – all without having to provide another saliva sample ever again.