It’s never been easier to learn about your metabolism and how it’s affected by your current hormone levels and genetic predispositions.

This includes a Helix DNA kit.
Already tested
Have you registered your Helix DNA kit? Once your DNA has been sequenced by Helix, your don't need another DNA kit to use this product, which means you get a lower price.
Insights to help you feel like your best self
Insights to help you feel like your best self
It’s never been easier to learn about your metabolism and how it’s affected by your current hormone levels and genetic predispositions.
Test your current hormone levels
Metabolism+ uses biomarkers in your blood to check your current levels of cortisol, thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), and testosterone. These hormones can influence your metabolism and affect weight gain and energy.
Learn the impact of your DNA
The test provides key information about how your genetics may increase your risk for obesity by affecting fat metabolism in your cells.
Evidence-based guidance
EverlyWell will provide evidence-based guidance about lifestyle changes you can make that can positively impact your results—and more importantly—your health.
Quick and easy sample collection
You will receive a biomarker collection kit from EverlyWell to provide a few drops of your blood and a small saliva sample. To have your DNA sequenced by Helix, you will also provide a small saliva sample using the Helix DNA kit.

What will my results tell me?
Your biomarker results will show your personal levels of cortisol, thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), and testosterone, and whether they are low, normal, or high.
Metabolism+ also checks specific genes that affect fat metabolism and how your results may or may not affect your risk of obesity.
The science
Your weight can be influenced by your diet, physical activity, stress, and a number of other factors. One of those factors is your genes. The genetic variants related to metabolism are connected to how the body processes and stores fat, as well as genetic variants that predispose you to a risk for obesity. Your DNA may identify a predisposition, but your lifestyle may make up for this difference.
- This product will not provide any medical information or a diagnosis.
- Results do not determine or limit your ability to gain or lose weight.
- Genetic results are based on population-wide studies. What is true at a population level average may not be true at an individual level.
- Our understanding of how genetics influences your metabolism will improve with more research.
How it works
Because this product includes a biomarker test, EverlyWell will provide a physician to review your health history to ensure it’s right for you. A physician will also review your biomarker results once they’re ready.
No paperwork
No additional cost
The Helix DNA kit
To capture the information stored in your DNA so it can be used for this product, we need to collect a small, one-time saliva sample from you. This kit has everything you need to provide that sample from the comfort of your own home, and you’ll never have to provide another.
A unique Kit ID you’ll use to register your kit
Saliva collection tube, cap, and printed instructions
A small bag and prepaid box to send your saliva sample to our lab
About EverlyWell
EverlyWell believes that lab tests shouldn’t be hard to get – or hard to understand. We empower individuals to understand their own physician-reviewed lab tests without a lab visit or an in-person doctor referral, with the goal of improving health and wellness.
Have a question about this product?
About Helix
Helix empowers everyone to explore what makes them unique—their DNA.
From health and wellness insights to family planning and ancestry information, Helix’s growing list of partners can tap into your genetic profile to provide relevant insights for today, tomorrow and years to come.
Have a question about ordering or sequencing?
Why do I need the Helix DNA kit?
Products on Helix use the DNA information found in your saliva to give you insights into what makes you, you. The Helix DNA kit has everything you need to provide a saliva sample and send it to our lab to we can sequence your DNA.
Once you are sequenced, you can gain insights from any from any product on Helix for years to com – all without having to provide another saliva sample ever again.
What genes does this product check?
This product checks the genes APOA2, FTO, PPARG, and MC4R, all which affect body habitus and fat metabolism. Your results will contain your personal genetic information and how your results may or may not affect your risk of obesity.
What biomarkers does this product check?
This product checks the cortisol, testosterone, and TSH levels in your blood.
What is the difference between genetic testing and biomarker testing?
Genetic testing tells you how your body may or may not be programmed to function in specific ways, and is done through Helix via next-generation DNA sequencing and only needs to be done once. Biomarker testing will tell you the current biomarker levels in your body and can be done by EverlyWell however many times you’d like. Combining both of these types of insights will empower you to make decisions with as much information as possible.
What is the sample collection process for blood?
Collecting your blood sample using your EverlyWell test kit is simple to do at home. All you need to do is clean the finger from which you’ll get your blood sample, press a small lancet on your finger, and apply a few drops of your blood to the sample collection card.
Can I choose my own physician to approve testing?
No. When you order Metabolism+, you answer a few health history questions, and Helix automatically shares your answers with EverlyWell and a licensed physician in your state to make sure the Metabolism+ biomarker kit is right for you.
Can I use my health insurance benefits to purchase this product?
Unfortunately, no. This is an at-home test that doesn’t require an office visit, and we cannot currently accept payment from insurance providers.
Will someone be available to help me understand my results?
In the uncommon case that there is an urgent issue with your results, the physician who reviews your results will reach out to you. However, for most cases, your results will be delivered to you online in an already easy-to-understand and intuitive format. If you’d like to share your results with your physician, you can easily do so when viewing your results on the EverlyWell website. We always encourage you to share your results with your physician if you have any specific questions or concerns.
Do I have to get sequenced and provide a blood sample to use this product?
Yes. In order to use Metabolism+, you must provide a blood sample and saliva sample using the EverlyWell biomarker kit and a saliva sample using the Helix DNA kit.
How does Helix provide my DNA information to EverlyWell? Is it shared with anyone else?
Your DNA information is stored securely by Helix. When sequencing is complete, Helix only sends the relevant DNA information needed by EverlyWell to generate your results. We do not share your DNA information with anyone without your permission. We always maintain the highest standards when it comes to the security and privacy of your DNA information.
How do I learn more about how EverlyWell uses my information?
You can find learn more in the EverlyWell Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, and Product Consent.
How do I view my results?
EverlyWell will send you an email when your results are ready to be viewed online at
How long does it take to get my results?
Your EverlyWell Metabolism+ biomarker results will be available in 5 business days or less from the time your blood sample and saliva sample arrive at the lab. If you’re already sequenced by Helix, your DNA results will be available at the same time. If you haven’t yet been sequenced by Helix, your DNA results will be available 6-8 weeks after your saliva sample arrives at the lab.